WellCopy Saved Over $63,000 Hiring From Europe


Meet Max, the owner of WellCopy, an email design & copywriting firm.

The Challenge:

WellCopy required an expert email designer to elevate their campaigns, especially for high-profile clients. The local market in San Diego presented candidates, but the cost of hiring locally was significantly high, posing a potential financial strain on their resources.

The Solution:

WellCopy contacted Zabota and discovered a highly talented email designer who had previously worked with major brands, including Birkenstock.


By hiring an experienced email designer from the Europe, Max S. saved over $63,000 compared to the costs of hiring a similar expert locally in San Diego. This decision fit their budget & also brought a level of expertise to their email designs.


Max praised Zabota's expertise, saying, "Literally within a week, 2 weeks, I had multiple very valid candidates. They blew my expectations out of the water & absolutey crushed it. They (the candidate) has amazing English."

Max explains more here, in his video testimonial,


Zabota's approach to hiring globally not only led to significant cost savings but also infused WellCopy's campaigns with top-tier design expertise, setting them apart in the competitive world of email marketing. If your company is looking to hire while maintaining cost-effectiveness, consider the global talent solutions offered by Zabota and book a call with us today.